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Page Documents Date Category  
Absconding policy 22nd Nov 2021 Policies and Procedures Download
ADMISSION RULES AND ARRANGEMENTS RECEPTION TO YEAR 6 2025-2026 24th Nov 2023 Policies and Procedures Download
Admissions Arrangements (2023-2024) 03rd Mar 2023 Policies and Procedures Download
Admissions Policy 2022/23 28th Jul 2021 Policies and Procedures Download
Anti- bullying Policy 28th Jul 2021 Policies and Procedures Download
Attendance Policy (2022-2023) 14th Oct 2022 Policies and Procedures Download
Behaviour Policy 28th Apr 2024 Policies and Procedures Download
Behaviour Principles Statement 22nd Nov 2021 Policies and Procedures Download
Catch Up Funding 2020-2021 11th Nov 2021 Covid Tuition Download
Charging and Remissions Policies Part B 28th Apr 2022 Policies and Procedures Download
Charging and Remissions Policy Part A 28th Apr 2024 Policies and Procedures Download
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 01st Sep 2023 Policies and Procedures Download
Complaints Policy 28th Apr 2022 Policies and Procedures Download
Data Protection Policy 04th Jun 2024 Policies and Procedures Download
Dealing with Abusive Parents Carers Policy review December 2025 20th Jun 2024 Policies and Procedures Download
Equality statement and Supporting Material_21-23 22nd Nov 2021 Policies and Procedures Download
EYFS Policy (2023-2025) 22nd Nov 2021 Policies and Procedures Download
Home School Agreement 28th Jul 2021 Policies and Procedures Download
ICT Acceptable Use Policy 28th Jul 2021 Policies and Procedures Download
Intimate Care Policy 03rd Jul 2024 Policies and Procedures Download
Keeping Children Safe in Education_2022 21st Sep 2021 Policies and Procedures Download
Online Safety Policy 04th Jun 2024 Policies and Procedures Download
Parental Agreement for School to Administer Medicine 28th Jul 2021 Policies and Procedures Download
Privacy Notice for Parents/Carers 22nd Nov 2021 Policies and Procedures Download
Pupil Mobile Phone Policy 04th Jun 2024 Policies and Procedures Download
Record Management Policy and Guidance review July 2025 19th Jun 2024 Policies and Procedures Download
Relationships & Sex Education Policy 22nd Nov 2021 Policies and Procedures Download
Remote Education Policy 22nd Nov 2021 Policies and Procedures Download
School trips agreement 28th Jul 2021 Policies and Procedures Download
School Uniform Policy 28th Apr 2024 Policies and Procedures Download
Social Media Policy 28th Jul 2021 Policies and Procedures Download
Supporting Children with Medical Conditions and Medicines Policy 01st Dec 2021 Policies and Procedures Download
Supporting Children with Medical Conditions Policy (2022-2024) 28th Jul 2021 Policies and Procedures Download
Toileting Policy 01st Nov 2022 Policies and Procedures Download
Use of Photography and Film Policy 04th Feb 2022 Policies and Procedures Download
Variation Determined Admission Arrangements and Rules 2022 23 06th Sep 2021 Policies and Procedures Download
Whistleblowing Policy_2022-2024 28th Jul 2021 Policies and Procedures Download
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